Strategi Pengembangan UMKM dan Koperasi di Desa Jawi-Jawi Kecamatan Gunung Talang Kabupaten Solok


  • Darman Universitas Baiturrahmah
  • Amrullah Universitas Baiturrahmah
  • Yulihardi Universitas Baiturrahmah


small medium enterprise, union


Cooperatives have an important role in the success of SMEs. Where MSMEs that have limited funds can borrow funds from cooperatives. However, MSMEs and cooperatives need to understand the rights and obligations as well as the relationship between the two parties. This service aims to provide strategies that can be carried out by MSMEs and cooperatives in the Jawi-Jawi village so that they can increase the economic growth of the Jawi-Jawi village community. In addition, this service aims to resolve and discuss problems faced by MSMEs and Cooperatives so that they can work together and grow together.




How to Cite

Darman, Amrullah, & Yulihardi. (2022). Strategi Pengembangan UMKM dan Koperasi di Desa Jawi-Jawi Kecamatan Gunung Talang Kabupaten Solok. DELEGASI JURNAL, 1(1), 19–22. Retrieved from